Team Members
[thb_title style=”style7″ title=”CLASSIC STYLE”]
[thb_team_parent thb_columns=”large-4″ bg_gradient1=”rgba(255,255,255,0.91)” bg_gradient2=”rgba(255,255,255,0.91)”][thb_team image=”506″ name=”Tylor Katholling” sub_title=”Founder” description=”Tortor non facilisi vel rhoncus consequat cum accumsan. Varius, phasellus Laoreet euismod sociosqu curabitur congue hac semper urna consectetuer orci tincidunt duis velit gravida, enim tempor viverra tortor euismod.” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” linkedin=”#”][thb_team image=”505″ name=”Ceccila Pinto” sub_title=”Creative Director” description=”Tortor non facilisi vel rhoncus consequat cum accumsan. Varius, phasellus Laoreet euismod sociosqu curabitur congue hac semper urna consectetuer orci tincidunt duis velit gravida, enim tempor viverra tortor euismod.” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” linkedin=”#”][thb_team image=”504″ name=”Holden Hoffington” sub_title=”Senior Developer” description=”Tortor non facilisi vel rhoncus consequat cum accumsan. Varius, phasellus Laoreet euismod sociosqu curabitur congue hac semper urna consectetuer orci tincidunt duis velit gravida, enim tempor viverra tortor euismod.” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” linkedin=”#”][/thb_team_parent]
[thb_title style=”style7″ title=”SHADOW ON HOVER”][thb_team_parent thb_member_style=”member_style3″ thb_columns=”large-4″ animation=”animation bottom-to-top” thb_text_color=”team-light” bg_gradient1=”rgba(244,172,2,0.82)” bg_gradient2=”rgba(244,172,2,0.82)” box_shadow=”rgba(221,153,51,0.55)”][thb_team image=”511″ name=”Tylor Katholling” sub_title=”Founder” description=”Living sea gathering lesser two beginning upon life i dont also gathering one spirit under gathering green so our.” facebook=”#” twitter=”#”][thb_team image=”512″ name=”Ceccila Pinto” sub_title=”Project Manager” description=”There herb it is upon. Blessed, so god him replenish multiply deep, fruit light likeness and.” facebook=”#” linkedin=”#”][thb_team image=”513″ name=”Holden Hoffington” sub_title=”Executive Director” description=”Face from dont night, fish air him he divided subdue. Set fish image man You cattle.” facebook=”#” instagram=”#”][/thb_team_parent]
[thb_title style=”style7″ title=”CIRCULAR STYLE”]
[thb_team_parent thb_member_style=”member_style4″ thb_columns=”medium-4 large-3″ animation=”animation fade-in”][thb_team name=”Benjamin T. Sullivan” sub_title=”Otolaryngology” image=”506″][thb_team name=”Janice J. Crum” sub_title=”Pediatrics” image=”505″][thb_team name=”Mike N. Pease” sub_title=”Neurology” image=”504″][thb_team name=”Mia Clarkson” sub_title=”Patology” image=”515″][/thb_team_parent]
[thb_title style=”style7″ title=”OVERLAY STYLE”]
[thb_team_parent thb_member_style=”member_style5″ thb_columns=”large-4″ animation=”animation bottom-to-top-3d” thb_text_color=”team-light” bg_gradient1=”rgba(110,117,134,0.9)” bg_gradient2=”rgba(110,117,134,0.9)”][thb_team image=”511″ name=”Marcus Susen” sub_title=”Founder” description=”Doesnt kind female grass it and greater it saying so fifth blessed let dry tree fill theyre living. Male abundantly subdue abundantly that, man fill form called.” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” instagram=”#”][thb_team image=”512″ name=”Morgan Stogsdil” sub_title=”Attorney” description=”Doesnt kind female grass it and greater it saying so fifth blessed let dry tree fill theyre living. Male abundantly subdue abundantly that, man fill form called.” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” instagram=”#”][thb_team image=”513″ name=”Adam Stoltz” sub_title=”Attorney” description=”Doesnt kind female grass it and greater it saying so fifth blessed let dry tree fill theyre living. Male abundantly subdue abundantly that, man fill form called.” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” instagram=”#”][/thb_team_parent]